This process has allowed me the opportunity to dive deeper into giving the audience a subconscious viewing of the world I want them to see. Please indulge me as I dive into a few aspects of this now. I wanted to invoke some sense of claustrophobia that might come from being in the belly of the prison ship along with this strong square shape. This is why there is a giant hanging square from the ceiling over the actors. This brings the world down and forces the audience's eyes onto the actor while fitting into a square theme.

The sail boxes and clothing racks might look simple in execution but there is a subtle cross located at the top of each of these items. I wanted to convey that religion may be governing over these sailors, but clearly the morals that religion dictates are far from present. Also, by making them higher than 6,' they automatically go above the actors' field of vision. This symbolizes them missing the point of the good religion can bring.

Lastly, the rope wall. The goal was to not look at ropes on a boat that look vertical and spaced and organized and do my best at recreating just that. Rather, being inspired by a bird's eye view of rope on a ship, to recreate some of the chaos and stress that boat life can bring. To create a messy spider web that catches all including the characters in the show.

I hope this gives a glimpse into the mind of a scenic artist and the reasons behind some of the choices that are made. Thank you for supporting Seat of the Pants and enjoy the show! Hope you can find some of these scenic elements when you pop in to see our work.

Craig Joseph