I believe that each of us has a dream placed in our hearts. I'm not talking about wanting to win the lottery (though a PowerBall win of $500 million does sound nice). That kind of fantasy comes from a desire to escape our present circumstances, not to pursue a heartfelt vision. I'm talking about a dream deep inside that speaks to the very soul. It's the thing we were born to do. It draws on our talents and gifts. It appeals to our highest ideals. A dream does many things for us:

  1. A dream gives us direction.

  2. A dream increases our potential.

  3. A dream helps us prioritize.

  4. A dream adds value to our work.

  5. A dream predicts our future.

This dream, each cast and crew member of OUR COUNTRY’S GOOD has had at some point in his/her/their artistic career. But it was our director, Craig, who gave us the opportunity to make this dream come true. The dream of taking our time in our craft. Analyzing and researching. Visualizing and developing the set and our attire. Inhaling the smells and hearing the sounds around us. Embracing technique and exploring imagination. Building an unbreakable and unforgettable ensemble.

Oliver Wendell Holmes noted: "The great thing in this world is not so much where we are but in what direction we are moving." This cast and crew is moving forward, all thanks to Craig who started us on this successful journey. I am grateful for this 10 month experience, for the new techniques learned, and for the new relationships I have built. We have been through a lot: accidents, injuries, sicknesses, losses, ouches, oops… but this is what has made this journey so special, so unforgettable. It’s what has made us… a family.

Dare to dream and act on that dream!

Craig Joseph