HOLY SMOKES it’s a new year! Perhaps you are like me (and I suspect like many people), feeling the dichotomous mixture of the exuberant eagerness for a fresh start and dread that I’m somehow already behind. Personally, I swore there was a massive list of things I was expecting to have finished over “break” (can you still call it that when you're over a decade plus out of school?) that have simply not happened…at least not fully.
WHAT HAS HAPPENED is a slew of exciting things that this ensemble has put into motion, and I’m going to take the opportunity of our first post of the year to share them with you now (and then keep reading for some personal ensemble-oriented spyback).
We kicked off the year by jumping into the process weeks for Amerikin by Chisa Hutchinson. It is eerie how topical that play feels, but more on that later. This cast and creative team is glorious mix of artists entirely brand new to SOTP, seasoned veterans of the company (we’re looking at you Andy Knode), and personally I’m super excited about this play because I get to act in it, and holy-smoke-from-the-Vatican-Conclave I have missed acting. I love directing and producing, but they are newer skill sets for me and developing coordination for them is a MUCH more strenuous lift for me. I’m downright giddy to be a character, and focus on what that single character needs to do in connection with this story. I’m also STOKED to do so with this STELLAR cast. We will take a closer look into those process-oriented rehearsals in the coming weeks’ posts.
This past Saturday we had our second reading of the season (first of the year) The Vase by Tyler Whidden - again bringing together a terrifically dynamic group of SOTP old guard and total newbies to create some fast and furious theatrical magic with a reading in Canton and Cleveland. Thanks to all who could make it!
Soon - Feb 4 - we’ll be having our first FREE ACTOR WORKSHOP of the year (3rd for the season)! We’re exploring other physical performance/acting techniques by diving into Laban’s Physical Efforts.
And in general, we as an ensemble are just snapping back into the work we love to do. Last year - our inaugural year as an ensemble company - we agreed that we’d try to schedule a break around the holidays after packing ourselves to the gills for almost the full twelve-month stretch. Admittedly, I’ve been a little slow to bounce back this year, but it’s a reason I continue to be grateful to the people who make up our ensemble. Because we’re a group of artists who push ourselves, watching other ensemble members absolutely tear up the new year artistic feat after artistic feat inspires me to “PICK IT UP!” Craig, Ben, and Natalie’s work on grants, Lana’s directing a reading while CRUSHING a new teaching gig in Buffalo, Jeanine and Craig directing multiple pieces across town, Lisa technically sustaining nearly for every show in Ohio, Kadijah producing the heck out of an enormous new festival at Cleveland Public Theatre (SOFT LAUNCH), and so much more - this is a group that continues to inspire me to keep up my game (so get ready if you’re coming to this Laban workshop - IT’S GOING TO BE AWESOME)!
I will also say, I love that this is a company that boosts each other up for pursuing other prospects. The camaraderie and support of this ensemble genuinely wants good for each other in the least possessive way. It’s a garden that feeds after a harvest, it’s a tide that raises all ships.
Personally, there’s been a lot of transition for me and for a number of members in our ensemble. I left what felt like a dream job to pursue ambitions for a different kind of dream job. I know others in the ensemble have been transitioning into new roles, jobs, homes, lifestyles, etc in this last calendar season. That kind of change can be depleting, but with this group, I feel full.
My wish for you in this new year is to find the people who make you feel full. ESPECIALLY so if you find yourself [f]unemployed or hustling in the gig economy.
Sometimes that fullness may be accompanied by a disorienting rush of eagerness for a new start and a palpable dread that you are already behind. Rest assured, the people that make you feel full will help you and inspire you to get where you need to go.