As you may have seen, Seat of the Pants has finally been able to announce the sale of tickets for our year long project, Our Country’s Good. These past few weeks, we have officially began our rehearsals and production meetings in full and proper swing. I am so excited to finally be in what feels like the final phase of this adventure as we are just a few more steps away from being able to show you all what a year of hard work and dedication to honing our art can bring. Getting to work with such talented and dedicated people has always been rewarding to me but the level of collaboration I have experienced since the fall of last year has been on another level entirely. 

Designing a show can often be a lot of difficult problems and sometimes lead to many stressful nights. But believe me when I say there is nothing like being able to creatively collaborate with a team of likeminded creators. If there is anyone out there that is reading this and has thought something along the lines of “I would like to try and design a show” or “I would love to be able to do that,” I cannot encourage you more to go out and give it a try because there can never be enough artistic imaginators in this world. And you do not necessarily need to be trained or have prior experience. I never have had any formal training in lighting design, but I enjoyed the art and have grown through experience and mentors. All you really need is a love of the arts. 

Thank you all so much for reading my and my fellow artists’ blog posts over the past several months as we have taken this experimental exploration of theater together. Thank you all for your continuing support of the arts and of Seat of the Pants. And I would especially like to thank Seat of the Pants for inviting me on this adventure. This next month leading up to opening night is going to be a lot of challenging problems and fun work, but I look forward to bringing you all a truly magnificent show. I hope everyone reading will continue to follow closely with this last leg of our journey, get your tickets (ourcountrysgoodsotp.eventbrite.com) and come see all our hard work in August! See you then!

Craig Joseph