There's a difference between reading the show to yourself quietly on the couch at home and hearing a group of talented actors bring emotion into characters. There lies the biggest thing that brings scenery and a show to life: emotion. When we read to ourselves - whether the news, a text message, or an email - we bring our own private emotional interpretation to the table. Theatre allows us to fine-tune this interpretation by bringing others into the discussion.

What this process is cultivating is a cauldron of different emotions, and I get the pleasure of stirring this concoction and selecting a beautifully complex reality that I never would have thought of on my own.

During all of the rehearsals we've had, I doodle something during the conversation. As most theatre-going people know, or scenery people in particular, most sketches are not usable and typically not very pretty. They have quite a bit of refinement needed. So, I've included one of my many rough sketches: without refinement, without correct dimension, and in its truest rawest form. There is a good chance this will never get used, but an even greater chance this will spawn something better.

Craig Joseph